Monday, September 20, 2010
Colonel Sanders Makes Guest Appearance in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity Sega followup gets the eleven secret herbs and spices needed for success.
He may have less polygons than you're used to seeing, but that is Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders. Sega rendered a PSP model of the Colonel because they're going to be putting him in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.
No wait... we're not joking! Here are some in-game screens.
The Colonel, who stands guard outside KFCs throughout Japan and can occasionally be seen sporting a yukata, will be a partner character in the Phantasy Star Portable 2 followup. This means he'll fight alongside you... using magic balls of hot sauce apparently, if the screens are anything to go by.
This was one of two PSP2i announcements Sega made at the Tokyo Game Show over the weekend. The other was a release date. Japan gets the followup on February 24.